Thursday, November 21, 2013

17 November 2013

Praise and Worship: Today we sang All You've Done by Hillsong. Good to be back for another great worship session!

Topic: The Power of Right Believing Series

Video Footage of Pastor Prince's USA Tour 2013 in LA, California (6 Nov 2013)

We are in Psalm 91, with a good long life. At least believe God to live to a 120.
There is a revolution going round the world - the grace revolution. Some people can't even stand still. It's like the waves of grace coming upon them. 

John 1:7
Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 

John 1:16-17
"Grace for grace". The "for" there is anti. It means "in place of". Pastor asked for an illustration from God and God showed him the waves of Galilee.

Whatever is happening to the spiritual Israel will come to the natural Israel. His grace will be constant and unceasing. Our part is just to receive. Sometimes we do too much. It is those who receive much do much. Can you just allow yourself to be loved?

Like Mary when she received from the Lord. She chose the right portion to sit and receive the grace.
Sometime people criticise us that we never teach repentance. You might not have people coming up in tears and repenting, but there are those who's repentance is going on in their heads. Repentance is going on all the time because it is a change of mind.

One day Pastor asked God to show him repentance in the new covenant. So God brought Pastor to Luke 15, the story of the lost sheep. That illustration points out repentance.
Jesus pointed out: When you consent to be saved, when you consent to be carried, when you allow Me to, that is repentance.

Self-righteousness is the mother of all sins. Man wanting to be like god ate from that tree.
The first mention of fig leaves started when Adam and Eve were covered in salad dressing. When you want to be blessed in your life, you need to curse the fig tree then faith can operate.

Just preaching on right living does not produce right living. In fact it produce fear and guilt. When you preach Jesus, it produces the right believing and living.

Whose sin made you a sinner? We were not sinners because we sinned. We sin because we are sinners. We are sinners because Adam sinned. On that same token, we are saved by that one Man's obedience.

There are sinners and there are wicked sinners. We tend to judge people based on the degree of wickedness. To God, all are sinners. So who are we to judge?

What the devil wants to do is to take away your focus to the one man's obedience. You cannot undo your sinner status by doing good. The last Adam has come. His obedience has made you righteous. Ever since you were born again, have you done wrong? Has that changed your status?

The strength of sin is the law. All of us are self occupied. When there's a group photo, you look for yourself. Even if the president is in there, you still look for yourself. When you believe His righteous made you righteous, you look away from your self.

We are no longer defensive when we know our sins are forgiven. It is only when you are not confident that your sins are paid, then you start to bite and snap when people come to point out your weakness.

When you are under grace, you be gracious. We don't criticise. If we can stop the wrong and do the right, there's no need for Jesus.

At the bitter waters, at the Red Sea, the people of Israel did not have the temptation to build a golden calf. Only when they reached Mount Sinai, they told God they can do anything and they built the golden calf. 

2 Corinthians 10:4-5
Verse 5: Most of the times we do not know what to do with our thoughts. The devil comes to you and accuses you have not done enough.
The bible says as Jesus is, so are we in this world. 

Hebrews 1:3
Verse 3: Jesus sat down because he has finished the work and it last forever. 

Hebrews 5:1
Verse 1: "for men", "to God". The high priest represent us to God. Jesus is our high priest. He is for men, to God. God looks at the high priest as a representative. How good the high priest is determines how good our life. If the high priest falls dead in the hollies of hollies, the people can look forward to a bad year. Today we have Jesus as our high priest. If He is good, we are good. If he is accepted, we are accepted.

If your peace and joy is wrapped up in the high priest, then 1 John 4:7. If Jesus is under God grace and free favors, so are we in this world. As He is, so are we in this world. There was that one day which Jesus carried all our sickness. When Jesus did that, God has to heal all of them.

But Pastor, I still feel the pain. Pain is a fact, but truth outlasts pain. Our place is to behold Him and the holy spirit is a place to behold God. We are transformed as we behold Jesus from glory to glory.
You don't have to do anything to pay for your sins. It's all been paid for. The most humble thing is to tell yourself that your sins are all forgiven.

As you behold Jesus, you rise above your challenges. Just like the story of Peter walking on waters in the midst of the storm, the moment he turned his eyes away from Jesus, he became natural.

On the head of the high priest, there is a golden plate. Why didn't God chose Moses as the high priest. Moses grew up as a priest. So why was Aaron chosen to be the high priest? He grew up with men as a servant. You have to serve in order to be a high priest. 

Exodus 28:38
As long as your high priest's thoughts are holy, you are always accepted and pleasurable to the Lord.
If you reckon that Jesus' thoughts are always holy, then you are always accepted.

True story:
There was a New Yorker, who was delivered from pornography. Being martial art trained, he thought he could control his desire. He proclaimed God's deliverance till his addiction left him.

In closing,

On the cross, Jesus bowed His head. "Bowed" is the same word as "laid" in Greek. He found rest in saving us.

Pastor goes on to sing his favourite song, "I Cast All My Cares".

Sunday, November 3, 2013

27 October 2013 - Pastor Lim Lian Neo

Prasie and Worship: Worship led by Deacon Jeffrey and we sang some great songs.

1. My Hope Is You

2. With all I am

3. For thou art high

Topic: Intimacy with Christ

Daniel 11:32
The word "know" is the same as the "know" Genesis 4:1. It is the intimate knowing of Christ. Intimacy is something that is powerful. The fruit of intimacy is life. Adam had intimacy with his wife. When you have intimacy, it will eventually lead to life.

In Genesis 4:1, the word "Cain" means "possess". When you have intimacy with God, it causes you to have life to possess your possessions.

Matthew 8:5-10, 13
Story of the Centurion who had great faith. He was not under the Jewish faith and so he could easily have faith. The Centurion is a man of status and someone who is used to actions and not talk only.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your hear, and lean not on your own understanding. The Lord did not say you cannot have your own understanding but lean not on your own understanding.
The word "acknowledge" is the same word (yada), just like Adam knew Eve.

Pastor Lian then spent the next half hour sharing about the back pain she experienced last few weeks and her experience of dipping in the swimming pool to alleviate her pain.

Jesus died for us so that we are reconciled with the Father. Today if you can ask for good things for your children, how much more the Father freely give you all things?