Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Doors of Favor Where No One Shuts

It was a long and busy week last week that I had to work over the weekends for a project. Due to that, I missed church and tuition for my boy. Most of all, I guess my avid readers must be disappointed.

However, it seems like I have something to share about myself whenever I miss out on one contribution on my blog :)

Pastor shared about God opening doors for us where no one else shuts in our New Year message of 2013. Since then, I trusted God to open the doors of favor for me and there were manifestations here and there but none beats the one I am going to share next.

Two weeks ago, I went for a client meeting at Sentosa. Well, if you haven't been there some time, you might like to check it out and be surprised at the extent of development today. The meeting took probably an hour and I went to the roadside to hail a cab. If you know, it isn't easy taking a cab at that time and that place where I was is off the tourist spot and very out of the way. Without thinking much, I stood there for a few minutes.

Then came a BMW 5 series which pulled over in front of me. I looked up to see a middle aged man waving for me to hop on. I was surprised and my first instinct was to wave a "no no" in return. It was just automatic and I suppose this is the Singaporean spirit and something we would all do naturally here. He winded down the windows, told me that he would drop me outside and pointed out that it is impossible to get a cab at this spot. Guess what, I hopped on.

Throughout the journey we chatted and introduced ourselves. His name is Leslie and has a family business owning a chain of laundry shops in Singapore. They are expanding and are presently looking to list their company on the stock exchange. After understanding what he does for a living, I then asked if he was at Sentosa for business which he replied saying he stays there. At that moment, I was probably just pure innocent and I asked, "How many days?" I know this question must have tickled and got you laughing because he laughed too.

"I stay there (Sentosa Cove)", he explained. I finally understood what that meant now and I was so embarrassed.

In the end, he gave me a lift to my office in Raffles Place before heading to his destination at Marina Bay Sands.

After alighting, I felt so blessed and couldn't believe this would have happened to me. Like what I told Leslie, this doesn't happen in Singapore. There's no such thing as hitch-a-ride here as far as I know. But he told me, "See, but it has happened to you". I was so thrilled and shared with everyone who were in the office about this experience. All of them were so amazed, just like me.

What was also interesting was that when I was sharing this to my team during lunch the next day at Goldenshoe Food Centre, there was a bird sh!t that landed 2 centimeters in front of me. My shocked colleague who witnessed that repeated many times that I was really really lucky.

For this, I learnt from Pastor Prince's teachings that this is not luck. The world uses the word "lucky" for blessings. Whereas for us believers, we know this is definitely God's favor and protection in our lives.

As long as you are a child of God, you are already more than a conqueror in whatever you do! Expect more good things to come your way. If you would like, you may even share your very own testimony in my blog under the comments section and I welcome all of them.

Be very blessed this coming week!


  1. Just felt like thanking you for your effort week after week in transcribing the weekly sermon of NCC. I attend NCC too but since I missed last week's service, I came to your blog hoping to find last week sermon transcript. Nonetheless, I'm still blessed by your sharing. :)

  2. Thanks Rebecca for your kind words and also dropping by my blog frequently :)

  3. so blessed, bro!
    haha i laughed when your first instincts was to wave a no-no. I would do the same too! lol

  4. It's our typical Singaporean instinct.. haha..
