Sunday, October 28, 2012

28 October 2012

Topic: Truths About Family Life

Testimony of a lady (known as L.D) who suffers from a sharp pain in the neck. She watched Pastor's broadcast on TBN and was delivered from the pain.

Pastor asks everyone to say "In Christ I'm ageless".

Romans 6:6
Our sinful nature was nailed on the cross. But Pastor, I still sin, how? God does not look at your self which you are disappointed in, as it is already on the cross. As far as God is concerned, your sins are already no more. He died not only for our sins, He died for us. He did not go to the Father for Himself. He came, died for us, rose for us, sat next to the Father for us. God is looking at Christ who is perfect. We should look away from self to the same object of delight with God and say "This is who I am". Christ is beautiful in any ways you turn Him.

Even before you start the day, know for sure God is looking at you like Christ Himself. Christ is our common object of joy and delight. It is only when we feed, we have true holy communion. You may have your own interpretation of holiness but yet not close to God.

Pastor is going to share today something that has been burning in his heart. He is sure it's going to bless you. Today's topic will be on family's life. Recently, Jesus revealed to him that his children ages are widely spread so that he can be relevant to everyone. Pastor joked that his life is "messed up" because of us.

Pastor shared a "Permission to date my daughter" form which her daughter showed to him this week. Questions like "What does late means to you?", "Write in less than 50 words about yourself", etc.

Family is your greatest treasure. No point being a public success but a private failure. We don't want our house and children to be in order because of your pride. Children know and will pick them up. All children want to live for something greater. Children become resentful if they know you do things for your pride. Don't let other people educate your children. This is your children, your family. Fathers have more privileges than mothers in bringing up children in the bible.

Deuteronomy 11 talks about speaking God's word to your children. It's got to do with the way you father your children. In the bible, fathers are always mentioned about bringing up children.
If you are a single mother, don't feel discouraged because Jesus restores many times more anointing than you can ever imagine.

In Old Testament, people work before the sun comes up. In those days, they were working long hours.

Whatever you/fathers allow, you are responsible for it. You cannot blame your wife when bad happens; you are responsible for the consequences because you allowed it.
Adam fell because he does not speak up. We cannot keep quiet and allow the rain to continue to fall. God will never allow things with no anointing over you. You should never always be passive just because you are embarrassed. It is to be cool to be authoritative, not being aggressive. These are 2 different things.

You have the authority. Don't just keep quiet. God's heart is for the family. Don't think that God only just saves you. He want to save you and your whole family.

One time on earth where the everything is perverted because man lived with demons and produced giants. Noah was the only man left who was righteous.
Genesis 7:1
Verse 1: "you and all your household". Notice God did not say his wife or sons were righteous. Noah's family benefited from Noah's righteousness. God's heart is that when the father is saved, the blessings are going to affect the whole family. It literally means because of you, Jesus will do things because of YOU. This is the covenant God has with you. Jesus can touch your family because of you. His heart is for you and your household.

Luke 19:9-10
"Today salvation has come to this house". Notice it is the entire household that is blessed.

Genesis 18:16-19
Verse 17 & 18: We know Abraham is not a perfect man.
Verse 19: This verse talks about the criteria that God is looking for in man whom He can trust.

Acts 11:13-14
Verse 13 & 14: Notice the angel said "tell you words by which you and your household will be saved". Angels are not ordained by God to preach the gospel. Notice "you and your household" mentioned by the angel.

Acts 16:31
Verse 31: God says believe in The Lord and you will be saved, you and your household.
Verse 34: Once he believed, it becomes easier for the rest of the household to believe.

Pastor is very thankful for the Benjamin generation. They are facing more temptations that those we went through during our time. It is time for you to speak with authority. Your children find it more cool to hear you speak rather than hearing praises from their friends.

Don't be a parent saying that my 9 year old doesn't want to go to church. We cannot make our children into anything. God taught us to train them and the rest is up to God.
Parents remember this: Children always want to do right. Many children are swept by their friends. Maybe it's a wild party and your children dare not reject the offer. Tell your children "no" so that they can just blame it on you. Friends who hear that you have a authoritative father will step back and look for another prey.
Don't think for a moment that by saying "no" will lead them to grow up with a warped personality or appear on Oprah Winfrey show saying my father deprived me from this and that.

1 Kings 5-6
Verse 5: This man is full of pride. Why? Look at next verse.
Verse 6: "His father had not rebuked him anytime". They grew up thinking the world revolves around them. God tells us to train our children based on His wisdom, not based on psychology.
We always think never to displease our children means to be nice to them. That's nonsense!

Never think that your children is too young to be taught. Parents need to teach when they are young. He shared an example of how Justin likes to take the remote control and puts it in his mouth. Pastor as a father said "no" to him a few times and it could be seen that he actually understood - by lowering his hand with remote control.

Facebook is an open-book to parents. Leave it this way. Kids love to say things like " Don't you trust me?" As a father, say "no". Say "I don't trust my flesh too". "Do you want me to send a lady, not your mummy home?"

Pastor shared how back then an older boy attempted to date her daughter. This older boy sent mobile messages with words that was coated with so much with honey that pastor joked whoever reads it may turn diabetic. Pastor called the boy and told him not to contact her daughter anymore. At the same time asked him to inform his parents that Pastor Prince called. This is your child. This is yours.
Don't let others educate your children. Do it yourself. When you see your child reading things not good, tell her.

Adultery always started innocently. It doesn't work by directly going to bed. It doesn't work that way. When you start to feel flirtatious, curb it. It started by sending them home. Next time give them taxi fare. That's being wise.

Proverbs 22:6
Verse 6: Train up a child in the way she should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Pastor shares what it really means in Hebrew. The word "train" means chanak. It is to place something into the mouth for tasting. In essence, it means to give your child a taste of God. There comes a time your children needs to taste God. Don't deprive your children from the youth ministry. They may not like it. Lead them, train them in a way he should go. The word "go" in the verse above means peh - mouth. When they look back, they will remember their first encounter with God, or even that church camp. Until today, Pastor still remembers the first time he encountered Jesus and the first song he learnt during Sunday school - Silent Night.

Don't think for one moment that children cannot sense things. Train them to speak well, the language of the promised land. If you leave it to them to speak unpleasant words, next time when they are angry, these words comes out automatically. This is being demon-controlled - don't misunderstand it with demon-possessed because this never happens to God's child. 

Another scripture that's going to blow your mind.

2 Timothy 3:15
Verse 15: Paul told Timothy this verse. "Salvation" means wise in handling your health, finances. Don't always think that salvation only just means saviour.

2 Timothy 1:5
Verse 5: It was Timothy's grandmother who taught this to his mother, Eunice. It has to be taught.

Back to 2 Timothy 3:15, the word "child" is brefos which actually means foetus, or a new born child. It is used on babies, not for toddlers. With that in mind, from a baby, they hast known the holy scriptures. Don't care if they understand or not, sing scriptures over your child. They can sense the blessings of the scriptures.

Pharaohs in the bible is a picture of satan. Moses is a type of Christ. There are 4 objections of satan. The 4th one is for children.
Exodus 10:7-12
Verse 9: "We will go with our young, our sons and daughters, because we must hold a feast to the LORD."
Let your children taste Jesus.
Verse 10: This is how the satan talks according to this verse. Satan says, since you believe in the Lord, then you go, leave the children behind.
Since you enjoy the things of God, you should also let them have a taste and not deprive them. Do you want to leave them in Egypt?

Don't allow the PG13 rating become the license for your child to watch the movie. You be the parent.
Even though your teen has been led astray, you know they have already tasted Jesus before and will always come back. God will always restore what the locusts have taken. Dare to displease your children. Don't think that children are stupid, they can sense your sincerity. God has already given you the charisma, wisdom and authority. So you don't have to shout at them. Speak like a man of God and your words will carry weight.

Be like godly Caleb, even though he was 40 years old, he was able to take the land. People of faith don't grow old. Even when he was 85 years old, he drove the giants away. This inheritance is yours to take. Don't say the social media is too much to take. Take the land like the mighty Caleb.

In closing,
Pastor will say a prayer for everyone to possess a spirit of honour and weightiness to come upon everyone present.

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