Sunday, March 4, 2012

4 March 2012

Topic: Singing Hymns To Be Filled With His Spirit

Praise and worship took longer than usual today with healing work performed by Jesus.

Pastor shared about the movie by Will Smith called Seven Pound. In that show he went about doing good; gave his eyes to the blind, gave his heart to the girl with heart deformity. At the end of the show, the show flashed back to show why he did all that. He was involved in an accident killing the other car and lost his wife as well. After that he was remorseful and led a life of doing good work. Pastor pointed out that was condemnation. He told the church that the "scene" was already paid for. God is all knowing and He paid every little thing for you.

Psalms 1:2-3
Talks about whatever he does prosper.

Hagah means:
1. To utter, mutter
2. To meditate
- to speak with oneself, murmuring in a low voice, as is often done by those who are musing

We should make it a habit to sing praises. That's how children learn: through singing. When you sing, you are meditating. Singing is actually a slower pace than talking. Plus you're enjoying it. It sets your spirit in tune with Jesus.
Ephesians 5:15-22
Verse 16: The days are evil. Just like fears in the Middle East or the negative news report. "Redeeming the time" means buying back time.
Verse 17: Talks about we having to be wise.
Verse 18: God fills us with His Spirit. ".. be filled with the spirit" (present passive imperative - 'Be being filled') When you are filled with His Spirit, you are filled with wisdom.
Verse 19: Reveals the secret to be filled with the Spirit. Sing hymns, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. What if you say you cannot sing? God is merciful, He says you can speak in this verse.
Verse 20: Singing hymns is like giving thanks unto the Lord.
Verse 21 & 22: Talks about submitting and wives submitting to own husbands. Secret to a fantastic marriage. Do that and be amazed at the flying sparks you may experience in your relationship.

Genesis 29:31-35
Story of Rachel who yearned so much for her husband's love that she bore 4 children hoping that her husband would love her.
Simeon means to hear. The fact is Jesus has already heard her.
Levi means attach.
Judah word came from praise (yadah) and Judah means Yahuda. Yahuda in Greek has 5 characters, the character of "door" (in Greek) when taken away gives us the word "Yahweh". Jesus said He is the door in the verse. Also refer to John 10:9 for confirmation.
Yadah means Hand-Door-Grace from right to left in Greek.

Pastor sidetracks and talks about putting Jesus in the center rather than putting your man in the center of your life. Don't put your partner on the pedestal. Many of times man disappoints you but Jesus never disappoints. After each fulfillment comes another one. It never ends. Why not just focus on Jesus, the one who never fail, never disappoints and constantly there for you?

Hosea 2:15
Verse 15: Valley of Achor (trouble), God opens a door of hope - means a bright future. So how to find the door? Sing there as in the days of her youth.
So when you sing praises to God, He opens a door for you. The song will lift you up and God will bring you above your circumstances.

What if you say to Pastor, "I need money."? Pastor says what if he tells you that you can sing your way to financial freedom? Look at the next few verses for confirmation.

Isaiah 60:1-3
Verse 1: Light has come on you.
Verse 2: Darkness is on the Earth and deep darkness on the people of the Earth. His glory will be seen on you when darkness covers the Earth.

Isaiah 60:11
Verse 11: Your gates shall be open continually. Definition of gates is found in Isaiah 60:18. They shall not be shut day or night. (That sounds like meditation) When you keep doing that, men will bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles and their kings (VIPs in present times) in procession. Doesn't that tell you money will be taken care of?

In closing,
Pastor recommends the church to keep a few songs handy so that you can sing this week. If a song can change the way a person feels, it is dangerous to sing the wrong worldly songs which may bring depression, sadness and hatred. Be mindful of what you sing.

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