Wednesday, July 16, 2014

1 June 2014

Topic: Jesus Shapes and Moulds You

Praise & Worship:
Here are some great songs we sang today. Enjoy!

Hillsong - Alive:

Hillsong - You Are Holy

You Laid Aside Your Majesty:

Hillsong - Worthy Is The Lamb:

Hillsong - Through It All:

When God's people come together, there is a corporate anointing. Healing flows and miracles happen.

The church didn't come about because Israel rejected God. The church was in God's heart. It is a mystery hidden in the ages. The gates of hell cannot prevail against the church. This means that we are attacking the gates of hell. Our weapons are not materials. When we speak and preach, lives are transformed.

There was a woman with an issue of blood for 12 years. She heard about Jesus. She heard testimonies of people sharing how their sons got healed. When asked, Jesus was the name. She came and touched the helm of Jesus only to be healed.

Sin will not have power over you when you are under grace. As preachers, we should teach people that they are under grace. Someone good received something bad which He did not deserve.

Pastor shared a testimony.
There is a couple who was married for 33 years but their marriage was failing When your marriage has become mundane, invite Jesus and be occupied with Jesus. They were separated but not divorced. One day, as she was with her friend, she was introduced to the grace message. She carefully introduced this to her husband. God's grace manifested in him slowly. Subsequently, their marriage improved by leaps and bounds.

When you have shalom in your life, you whole being prospers. When you say peace to someone, know it is paid for. Jesus paid for your peace today.

How do we increase in this peace for our health and life?
When you work harder in the gym, you become fit. Health comes from the Lord.
God talked about the entire universe in one chapter. But God devoted redemption in ten chapters. Creation is fallen. We live in a fallen world. God spent ten chapters to talk about redemption. If you think that eating organic food helps, know that the world has fallen. God paid for your health. The way to grow in favour, peace and health is to see more about Jesus. In the knowledge of Jesus, grace and peace is multiplied.

1 Peter 2:4-5
Verse 4: A stone in the quarry is not a living stone. A stone that is polished and serve its purpose becomes a living stone.
Verse 5: Jesus is the church, we are the living stones.

1 Peter 2:9
Verse 9: If no one bothered to brig out the stones, we will still be in darkness. Jesus brought us out to be a living stone and into His marvelous light.
Light can be painful at first, but life in the light is better than darkness.

After you bring the stone out, the Lord still shapes you.
God works for you. You don't work for money. You job should give you pleasure. The bible says working is an expression. If you enjoy your work, the money will come.

God wants to cultivate you and make you into a pillor.
God wants to make you a person worth more than 10,000 people.

Let's see the process of God making us into a pillar.
Peter was stone. Andrew and John were disciples of John the baptist. Andrew found Simon Peter.
John 1:40-42
Verse 42: We are Cephas (translated as A Stone)

Jesus saw the multitudes and were pushing towards Him. There were two boats and Jesus chose to step into Peter's boat. Jesus told Peter to go into the sea and cast the nets. But Peter who toiled all night agreed to throw in one net. When the fishes almost broke the net, he hugged Jesus' knees and told Him he was sinful and to depart from him.

Progress is slow when you don't have Jesus. The disciples were rowing against the wind and only covered 3 miles in 9 hours. When they saw someone walking on waters, they thought it was a ghost. Jesus answered "I am". Peter began to do what Jesus did. As long as your eyes are on Jesus, you will walk above the storms. Your supernatural ability comes from God. It is not through your self. We think God wants us to be consciously holy. God wants us to out everything in Christ. You will be ok if you put Jesus between yourself and the circumstances. Peter began to sink when he looked away from Jesus. Peter was too slow to reach to Jesus but Jesus was able to put him while he was sinking.

John 6:21
Verse 21: The boat was immediately at land where they were going. It happened very soon right after the storm. It was like teleport.
When you give something to Jesus, it does not come back the same.

What Jesus did for Peter is the same as what God is doing for us today.

Matthew 16:13-23
Verse 17: It means " Peter, this ain't no way came from yourself."
Verse 21: Talks about the sufferings of Jesus.
Verse 22: Peter rebuked Jesus.
Verse 23: Jesus rebuked Peter and before that He lookelooked at the disciples. It is like saying, what will happen to them if I don't die.

Luke 22:31-34
Verse 31: Long before Satan came, Jesus has already prayed for you.
Verse 33: This was not the kind of response we would expect from Peter.
Verse 34: Jesus told Peter he will deny Him three times.

Luke 22:64-62
Story of how Peter denied Jesus three times. When Jesus looked at Peter, it is like telling him to be stronger before He returns.

Mark 16:5-7
Jesus rose from the dead. He mentioned that Peter is to be notified in Verse 7. Jesus wants Peter to be restored and so He wanted to mention him.

In closing,

John 21:9-15
Verse 9: The Lord is healing Peter now.
Verse 10: Jesus made breakfast for the disciples.
Verse 13: Jesus was still serving.
Verse 15: Before the Lord tells you to do something, He makes sure you eat something. He never makes a demand until you are filled. Even though Peter failed Him, he still entrusted Peter to feed His sheep - We are the sheep.
Pastor jokes that if he was there, he would assign someone else who didn't deny Him.

This is where sin abounds, grace superabounds.

The service ended with a nice song item titled "When You Believe" by Celine Dion.