Sunday, April 22, 2012

8 April 2012

Topic: Resurrection Sunday

1 Peter 1:3
Verse 3: "into a living hope" - Zoe life. We live a life of great hope.
Pastor sings: Jesus is alive so we have a better tomorrow.

Jesus always blesses from the head down to the feet. Just like how Jesus blessed Aaron from the head to the beard. The pastors are the beard and the blessings come down to the body. We are the body of Christ and so be prepared that your blessings are coming. If you are believing Christ for a baby, be ready, even if you are 50 or 60 years old. Walk like you have Abraham's faith. Don't be surprised one day you appear on the papers: This woman conceived at this age.

Pastor has never heard anyone preached when after Jesus died on the cross, dead saints rose. See Matthew 27:50-53. There are those who claimed Jesus was murdered are not scriptural claims. When soldiers came to arrest Jesus, they asked who do they seek, they fell when Jesus said "I am". He said no one can kill him when He walked on earth. Verse 51: The veil was torn. Jesus torn it. The earth quaked and the rocks split.
Verse 53: "After His resurrection". Jesus must be resurrected first then followed by the saints (David). Christ is the first fruit. 

Luke 22:42-43
Verse 43: Today the thief will be with Him in paradise. So where is this paradise? Paradise back then wasn't up, it was down there. Sheol - a place of departed souls. That place where they waited for Jesus to come is paradise. In the past, blood of bulls and goats cannot give you righteousness. Only Jesus blood can. In the past, there were two parts of hell. One is Sheol and the other is the burning lake. Those who passed on went to paradise to wait for Jesus because they were not born again.

Hebrews 9:15
This verse is talking about the old covenant's saints.

Luke 16:22-26
This is a story of Lazarus, a beggar. This is not a parable. In the bible when it is a real story, it always says "There is a certain man..."
Verse 22: When Jesus says there is a place called Hades, the. You better believe it. There are some who says it is just imaginary.
Verse 23: The rich man still able to see Abraham from afar. So in heaven or hell one can still see and recognize.
Verse 24: See, departed souls have fingers, tongues. The man is tormented.
Verse 26: Notice the great gulf mentioned here. Those from hell cannot go to the place of paradise.

Acts 1:9
Verse 9: "Cloud" refers to the cloud of the dead saints.

We are a resurrected spirit in an un-resurrected body. If we act like that and live like that, it will be amazing. Identify who you are in Christ. Today, hell is there, so is paradise. But paradise is now vacant and empty. Jesus emptied it and brought the old testament saints up to heaven. Believers who fall asleep now, they go straight to heaven. They d not descend down then up anymore.

1 Peter 3:18-20
Verse 19: "Preached" is "proclaim, announce". Who are those spirits in prison? They are not the old testament of saints. These are the spirits in the days of Noah.

Satan was a ark angel who could play music. It was said musical instruments were built in him. But he wanted to be god. But when God dismissed him, he was angry and hated man who was made in His image. Satan was jealous. That is why today worldly music can be used to tempt man to drugs, etc.

Before Jesus came, satan tried to stop the seed. He thought it was the seed of Cain, that was why he made Cain and Abel fight. All the stories of humanity shows satan trying to stop the birth.

Genesis 6:4-5
Verse 4: "In those days" - Days of Noah. Mighty men were the fallen angels.
Verse 5: God saw all flesh were corrupted. Fallen angels and men were so widespread. Only 8 people were left. Noah, wife, their 3 sons and the rest were the married. God sent in the flood to remove the giants on earth. These giants were a cohabitation of fallen angels and women in bid of removing the seed of Christ. After the flood, those giants came out again. So God raised Israel and David to kill those giants.

Jude 6
There are demons around who are bounded forever are those in Noah's times. They are chained in everlasting chains.

1 Corinthians 15:17
If God has not risen, then your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.
But today God has already risen up.

Romans 4:24-25
Verse 25: What is "raised because of our justification"? Jesus went to the cross on the account we are made righteous.
Pastor shows us the above verses in YLT and AMP versions.

Pastor led the church to say:
Every single one of our sins were laid to Jesus charge. Every single one of our sins was on Jesus. When Jesus was raised from the dead, He cleansed me from all sins.

Hebrews 9:28
"Christ was offered once" - once
"Apart from sin" does not mean God is sinless. God is obviously sinless. It actually means there's nothing to sin.
In NLT version, it says "not to deal with our sins". It's already done once and for all.
In AMP version, "not to deal with our sins and bring to full salvation to all".
God's word shows so clearly that He not going to come to deal with our sins. He said He has end it once and for all.

In closing,
People in the christian walk makes a mockery of the blessed assurance we believers are sitting on. But for me and my house, we say we are forgiven of all our sins and He is never against us. This is only true to believers who are waiting for Him.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

1 April 2012 - Pastor Lawrence

Topic: What Do You See In Yourself?

* Pastor Lawrence announces that Pastor Prince' baby boy has arrived!

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. So it's important to realize what you are thinking about yourself. What you think about yourself defines yourself.

Numbers 13:1-2, 27-28
Verse 2: God commanded Moses to send a tribe to spy. God said He will give a tribe.
Verse 27: After the spy, they came back with a report to say the land is flowing is milk and honey.
Verse 28: People whom dwelt in the land were strong. The decedents of Anak are the giants.
Verse 30: Joshua and Caleb believed they can overcome it.
Verse 31: Caleb said they are able but the man who went with them thinks otherwise.
Verse 32 & 33: Talks about the bad report. " .. we were grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight". How do you see yourself today? What are the labels you have placed over yourself today? Winner or loser? Success or failure? Or you are what others call you?

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if anyone who is in Christ, is a new creation. New creation is a species that has never existed before. It can only happen after the cross. It doesn't matter who this man was. The moment this man believes in Christ, he becomes new. So what is this creation and what is his destiny?

Pastor shared a joke where no one laughed. Here it goes:
There were 3 men on a top of a very high building. The first man said, "I can jump down this building and the wind will blow me up". The second man didn't believe it upon hearing it. So the first man proved it to him. He went down and back he comes. The second man was totally convinced and did the same. He went down and fell from his death. So, the third man said. "Hey Superman, you can be such a jerk when you are drunk."
*Seeing that no one laughed, Pastor said it's an uncle joke.

The bible says we are blessed with every spiritual things. And we shall lay hands on the sick and the sick will be healed. This is not a statement to comfort us but a declaration of what a new creation can do. It's not for the pastors. Even if you are a one minute believer, you can be blessed with His blessings. A new creation is more than a conqueror. Time to lay hold of God's word and believe it with all your heart. If God says if you are a conqueror, see it and meditate it. Carry this spirit in you and see it. Be like Caleb and Joshua. We need to walk by revelation of knowledge. We have the five senses and we live by senses. God doesn't want us to live by the revelation of senses but revelation of knowledge.

Are you sick or are you already healed? You may be sick physically with the symptoms, all these will not materialize. Pastor shared about declaring healing of his fever in 1997 while going to church. Though nothing seems to happen at that time after your prayer, continue to believe God's word.

Today when we pray for healing, we don't have to beg. Doing so makes it look as if it is dependent of God's mood. We should declare His healing work. "Father I declare that this person is healed". Nothing wrong with asking but Jesus always declares what He wants to see. "Fig tree be cursed". "Lazarus , stretch forth your hand!"
Blessed be the man who have not seen believes he has received. Just like Thomas in the bible who does not believe he is healed. 

1 Corinthians 15
Thanks be to God who has given us the victory.
Believers do not need to be defeated by any addiction. Your life is supposed to be victorious.

Romans 6:14
Sin does not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.
This is not a verse of comfort but a heavenly declaration.

Pastor shares a testimony about a medical doctor who was addicted to morphine. She thought she was under control until she realized she was a slave to drugs. All in all she tried 57 times to give up. Her nurse described her as a demon in a skeleton. Until one day she plunged to her neglected bible and believed her healing. The rest is history.

Christ is in you and you are in Him. Realize that and you will be transformed into a better person.

Ephesians 4:22-24
Verses talk about you being a new man and a new creation, in true righteousness and holiness.

In closing,
God works in you in good pleasure. Realize and walk in it.
Believe and act upon it for it is God who works in you. There's no qualification to it. Step back and let Him work.

11 March 2012

Topic: What In The World Is Going On?

Many things that we used to rely on cannot be relied on. There's a lot of shaking in the world. So what is going on? Pastor is going to share the good news today.

But before anything, let's build some foundation first. 

Psalm 11:1-3
Verse 2: The wicked bend their bow - The devil shoots the fiery dart in your head and tries to make you accept the negative thought. You cannot stop the birds from flying to your head but you can stop them from building a nest. You cannot stop the fiery darts from flying but you can choose to reject them.
Verse 3: The devil wishes to destroy your foundation - The foundation of righteousness.

Hebrews 12:18-22
Verse 18: The holy spirit said these to let us know it's a very terrible sight. There's blackness, darkest and tempest. But He said you are not here to experience these.
Verse 20: God does not even allow the beast to touch the mountain. How could it be for you to touch the law and be under it?
Verse 21: Moses was so afraid and trembling. It goes to show the law condemns the most of us but grace saves the most of us.
Verse 22: All of a sudden there's no darkness in this verse.

1 Corinthians says the strength of sin is law. Look at Israel in the bible. During the 40 days, they worshiped the golden calf right before the One who just gave the law.
If 1 Corinthians says that, then the strength of grace de-promotes sin.

Acts 2:1-4
Verse 2: Note "rushing mighty wind" and "filled the whole house" and "sitting".
(Believer's Pentecost) Refer to Exodus 19:18 and see "thunderings" "lightnings". The verse says "in the morning". Pentecost is in the morning and there are thunderings..
Notice why in Acts it is now "rushing mighty wind" during the day of Pentecost? It is because God is rushing to fill you.
The first instance where the thick cloud appeared in the bible is in the earlier verses of Exodus. It came right after man said to God that whatever God wants, they can do it. Since then, God changed His tone. Prior to that, man murmured but yet God still blessed them and brought them out. This was the time of grace.
When Jesus walked on earth, He healed everyone who came. They all committed sins but yet Jesus still healed them. He did not reject any. It seems like the grace of God is greater than sin. Many are still preaching sin can stop your healing, sin can do this this this to you.
Back to the 40 days, were there any golden calf when they were under grace? It's only right after the law was introduced, sin came.(The golden calf) Man boasted in their works and God changed His tone and told Moses He will come in a thick cloud thereafter.

God has already a new covenant with mankind.
Matthew 17:5
Verse 5: "Bright cloud" overshadowed them. It's a bright cloud because wherever God is, there is always brightness.

Exodus 19:17
The people were at the foot of the mountain where the law was given. They were all servants.

Acts 1:13-15
Verse 13: Believers were at the upper room during the day of Pentecost.
Verse 15: "A hundred and twenty". This number came up in Genesis when God said man will now live to a 120. This means after the end of man's efforts and the beginning of the spirit.

2 Chronicles 5:12-14
Verse 12: There were 120 priests.
Verse 13: The priests were singing praises. God even wrote down the lyrics in this verse. There are two truths: "He is good "and His mercy endures "forever". Anyone or ministry that preaches these 2 truths will be blessed because God is happy.

Hebrews 12:22-29
Verse 22: It says you have now come to Mount Zion. You are not at Mount Sinai.
Verse 24: Jesus "speaks better things".
Verse 25: Don't refuse the blood. Pastor says to everyone not to reject grace because judgment is greater.
"See that you do not refuse Him who speaks (present active participle)". This verse says that under the law, God speaks on earth. Under grace, God speaks from heavens.
Verse 26: God spoke and earth shook. Now through the voice of grace, heaven and earth are shaken.
Verse 27: "Yet once more" - means He's going to do once more. God is shaking the earth so that things that are man made will be removed. Those that can't be shaken will remain. But if you asked, "Isn't it better not to shake things?" Let's say today your apartment shook and you evacuate. An hour later the building collapses, would you think the shaking earlier is for a good cause?
God wants everything good in your life to remain. Some people trust more in finances or commerce. But God's system is offerings and tithing.

Book of First Mentions is the book of interpreting the bible. It means for every first thing that has been mentioned, it has a significance.
The first time blood is mentioned, it is the blood of Abel. When God asked Cain where is Abel, Cain faked ignorance. He told him that his blood cries out to Me. So today, blood actually has a voice. It can be used in present day for forensic activities.
Pastor shares on North and South Korea to prove that blood has a voice. The two countries are just separated by a line. You can be in North Korea just by crossing the line. What's interesting is that the crops in North Korea are barren whereas South Korea has blooming crops. Do you think the rain is so smart to say that because there is a line, I can choose where to fall? No, it's because many innocent blood is in North Korea, there is a cry and the land is cursed.

Do not think for one moment that you are not blessed by comparing. Don't say that Pastor Henry is more blessed because he's closer to God. Or pastors are more blessed because they are pastors. Don't be in Mount Sinai. Pastor pointed out that it doesn't mean you are called a pastor means you are blessed. There are actually in fact many pastors in Singapore who are asking for help. Pastor said he does not live life like a pastor, he lives life like a believer.

It really depends on where your trust is. Pastor shared that during 2001, he did many things like running daily and drinking carrot juice every 2 days. It did not help and he feel sick instead. Even though he says his trust in the Lord, he actually trusted in jogging. Know who you trust deep down. Do not feel discouraged if you are not better off in fitness compared with your friends. As long as your trust is with the Lord, He can bless you with health.

Pastor shared this verse with a believer back then he had a tumor. "No weapon formed against thee shall prosper". The word "formed" goes to say even if it's formed in your body, it will not prosper.
The shaking on earth will cause all things that are not based on God to diminish. If you see things in your life that are being shaken, maybe God is prioritizing other things in your life. Aren't you glad now you see those uncertainties being exposed so that you can see?
What is causing the shaking? The voice of grace.

Back to Hebrews 12:28
Verse 28: "Therefore" means because of the shaking. "Let us have present active subjunctive) grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear". Make sure you are listening to messages of grace. Present active subjunctive means some may get the message while some don't.
Don't establish your belief half Mount Sinai and Mount Zion.

In closing,
Pastor prays for the church for our foundation to be built on grace. He prayed that our lives, finances, health, future and children to be built on the perfect grace of Jesus. Those false security will be removed within. Bring us to Mount Sinai.