Sunday, December 11, 2011

11 December 2011

Topic: Living Life Through God's Faith

We all know how man are ugly. Why not let's talk about Jesus? You can talk about politics, bad news, etc but yet it only brings depression. Talk about Jesus to bring healing to ourselves!

Jesus must be at the center stage. At times we may use Jesus for our own agenda. E.g. Use Jesus for own healing, own blessings, etc.
All these are good, He is able to provide. But if you put Jesus in the centre of your life, each spoke at the wheel gets the blessing at the right time according to His spirit.

Mark 9:14-27
Verse 15: The shine on Jesus' face brought the people to Him. The shine that says you are forgiven, you are not condemned. This shine, comparing with Moses coming down from the mountain with two tablets, caused all the people to run away.

The devil does not bother about the age of anyone. The devil gets the child when they are young. If the child can be introduced to pornography, vulgarities, why can't the child be introduced to Jesus when he is young? Never say he is too young. The devil may get your child when he is a child, but when Jesus comes, He saves just like in Verse 21.

A believer can never be possessed. Only a non believer can be possessed.
Pastor jokes: But Pastor, my wife looks like she's possessed at home. No she isn't. She just behaving like that with the one she is staying with.
So Pastor, are you blaming me with everything? Pastor answers, "almost everything".

Verse 22: The man says, "Lord if you have compassion..". Pastor shares about there are some believers who add such phrases in their prayers. Or "you go with us for this meeting". The thing is Jesus already had compassion to you. You only pray that in the old testament. Pray words like "Lord thank you that you follow me and you never forsake nor leave me".

Befriend friends who lift you up, bring you to Jesus and encourages you. If you are in a ministry where you help people, it's fine but there is no need to make a friendship out of it. Same like a church who never lifts you up. Leave! Leave that church!

Human faith wavers, just like Monday they have full faith. Come Tuesday it is half gone. Trust not in your own faith! Boast in your Father's faith! When your faith runs out, His faith does not waiver! Why not use that puny faith to hook onto Jesus faith?
Pray "Thank you Lord for your unwavering faith that I can conquer this and that". Notice the marvelous twist. Definitely makes you feel at ease.

Act 3:11-16
Verse 16: "It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him..." Who? See it is Jesus' faith! Look away from your own faith. Your own faith does not bring you anything. In the story of the woman who bled for a lifetime. After Jesus healed her, He said her faith has made her well. In reality it is not her faith, Jesus gave her credit for the faith. In another story of the fishermen who caught nothing the whole night. Notice what Jesus said. "Bring in those fishes that you have caught." Did the fishermen really catch those fishes? Think about it.

Galatians 3:20
It is the faith of God that we live in. This is not our own faith. Pray daily that "I live by the faith of the son of God."

Jesus died believing that you will be healed. He died with the bruises on His back to give you healing. During times when you lack faith, look to God and know that it is His faith. Say to him, "Lord, for this situation, I know your faith will never fail."

Pastor shows a verse to prove faith is a rest.
Hebrews 4:3
God already finished everything for us. God is outside time. Einstein knows it that if you were to transcend time and travel at the speed of light and return, you would have noticed your friends have grown old. 2000 years ago when Jesus died, as far as God is concerned, He only died yesterday. When you partake of the holy communion, do not take it thinking it is 2000 years ago. Take it knowing that it is the present.

Mark 11:20-23
In these verses, Jesus said to say to the mountains and you will have it. He mentioned "say" 3 times. He said just say it. This is what you only have to do, just have to trust on His unwavering faith and say what you want to see. It becomes what you say because of His faith.
In the story of the fig tree that was cursed, right after the fig tree was cursed, it looked as though it was fine. In actual fact, the roots died. Start cursing pimples or cancer and know the roots are already dead!

Pastor assures everyone that your 2012 will be a fantastic one!

Pastor shares about Deacon Matthew and June. Just 3 weeks ago, June had stomach discomforts and they went through a scan only to find out a 4cm growth in the womb. Doctor confirmed that it is not a water cyst and is a tumor. They scheduled to go for an operation on Tuesday. Just last Sunday after first service, they met up for a quick short prayer. Pastor said being a pastor where the church looks to him, he can feel the pressure and feeling helpless. He made the prayer of cursing the growth and commanding the growth to be thou removed from the roots and cast into the seas. They had holy communion and had the oil. Matthews placed his hand on June's womb while Pastor placed his on his hand and applied the anointing oil. He also prayed for a renewal of youth. Deep down, Pastor shared about God telling him to "Rest, rest." When Tuesday came, Matthews confirmed that the growth had disappeared! The doctors and nurses were said to have pressed the tummy everywhere trying to find the growth. Even the doctor performed the scan personally. Just as much as the healing has took place, Pastor also shared about June experiencing her period. Earlier was shared that she is going through menopause. Not only she was healed, she is renewed as well! Now they are away for a holiday overseas. Pastor jokingly told Matthews to watch it over there. Praise God. 

Hebrews 12:2
Jesus is the author and finisher of faith.

Romans 4:13-14
According to this verse, what voids your faith? The Law. If you are looking to see if you have obeyed Him, etc, that voids your faith!

In closing,

Mark 14:27
Verse 14: Scribes disputed. The scribe refers to the law. That was the reason healing could not flow.
You can easily preach on the law, but it is only through God's faith where you can only see results.